AOS : Slaves to Darkness

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Product: Battletome / 83-02
BHG Price$92.00 RRP$98.00
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Far beyond Sigmar’s gleaming bastions march the Slaves to Darkness – shadowy hosts of barbarians and executioners hell-bent on tearing down all semblance of civilisation. Many hold a special hatred for their fellow mortals, having been abandoned by their kin in ages long past.

The Slaves to Darkness march across the Mortal Realms in the names of Archaon Everchosen, Be'lakor the Dark Master, and the Gods of Chaos themselves, ever-fighting to crush Sigmar's oppressive notions of peace. They have suffered and sacrificed to conquer this land – and inflicted untold suffering in turn. Now none will halt their renewed advance – the armoured tread of their warriors, bone-shaking hooves of knights, and grinding chariot wheels storm across the battlefield in a relentless tide.

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