AOS : Sons of Behemat

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Product: Faction Pack / 74-20
BHG Price$26.00 RRP$28.00
Only 1 unit left


The Sons of Behemat are towering behemoths, almost beyond mortal comprehension. Every step they take sends tremors through the earth, and walls crumble under their pounding fists. Even a small stomp of gargants can tear through entire towns, the titans delighting in the destruction they leave in their wake.

On occasion, tired of living under the heel of their boss, a Mancrusher Gargant will break away to claim their own territories. Accompanied by a couple of their best lackeys, they head off into the hills in search of food – or to find some little 'un settlement to smash into bits. Gargants fight with little finesse or strategy, but their large size means they can simply overpower their foes regardless. One swing of their mammoth clubs or leathery feet can knock down walls or crumple a line of pike-wielding ‘pipsqueaks’.

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